Incorporating Handstand into your practice can be daunting. But like all balancing poses, a little confidence and a lot of core work go a long way. Try this rendition of the inversion to build both strength and muscle memory, which will prep your body and mind for a full-blown handstand.

  • Position your mat in front of a wall, and come down to your hands and knees. Place your heels against the wall with your toes touching the floor. Plant your hands shoulder-width apart, and root them into the mat by spreading your fingers wide.
  • Push back into a strong Downward Facing Dog with your heels up on the wall, and your toes still connected with the floor. Take a breath.
  • On the exhale, begin to walk up the wall, one foot at a time, so that your body forms a 90-degree angle or "L" shape. You won't be able to see what you look like, so focus on getting your hips over your shoulders.
  • Hold this inversion at least five breaths, and try again two or three times!

Yoga Core Sequence - Vega Community  20 Minutes is all you need
이게 요즘 하고있는 니키도나 20분 복부강화 시퀀스랑 가장 비슷

복부강화는 영상자료도 너무 많음
어차피 안볼거니까 
키노쌤꺼만 링크

Beginner Yoga - Core Strength with Kino Do You Yoga Series Part 3
2013-10-21 21:0

균형잡기. 한 동작이라 간단하니까 반다랑 같이 하는 코어 스트렝쓰 루틴 하나 더

Ashtanga Yoga: Core Strength & Bandhas in Janu Sirsasana with Kino MacGregor and Alexandra Santos
2011-8-2 3:25

요가저널에 arm & core

home practice: arms and core

전신의 근력이 절실함.

이건 니키던 검색해보다가...

Nicki Doane

Nicki Doane began practicing yoga in 1988 and started teaching in 1992. She first studied with Sri K Pattabhi Jois in 1991 in Mysore, India and cites him, along with Eddie Modestini, Gabriella Giubilaro, and Tim Miller among her most influential teachers. Although rooted in Ashtanga yoga, Nicki's teaching goes beyond the traditional. Her vinyasa classes combine asana, pranayama, philosophy, and poetry. Nicki's emphasis is on awareness: creating integrity within each pose that can be carried beyond the mat into daily life. Nickiteaches at yoga studios and conferences across the globe and is featured in two Ashtanga Yoga DVD’s available through Gaiam Inc. Nicki co-directs Maya Yoga Studio on Maui, HI with her husband and teaching partner Eddie Modestini. 

이건 그의 남편. 지도자의 지도자로 알려져 있구먼? 설명은 마치 요가신....

Eddie Modestini is what is known as a teacher's teacher. He has been a yogi since 1983 and has been teaching for that long as well. Eddie has been certified in Iyengar yoga and is now a student of Pattabhi Jois. He is well versed in both systems and has an amazing eye and holds the ability to read students' bodies and is a master of yoga therapy. "Through the experience of watching yoga heal me, I know that it has the capacity to heal the masses." Eddie co-directs Maya Yoga Studio on Maui, HI with his wife and teaching partner Nicki Doane.

어제까지 니키던 코어스트렝스 20분 시퀀스였고

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하고나면 팔목 겁나 아픔.

'INDIA > 요가' 카테고리의 다른 글

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